Letter to Share with Your Neighbors

From The Greater Baden Aquasco Citizens Association (see letter to share with neighbors below after the intro): The Greater Baden Aquasco Citizens Association supports efforts to appeal the planned construction of the 3rd fossil fuel power plant in the immediate … Continue reading

Articles about Environmental Action by Brandywine Residents

 Recent news articles about Brandywine residents fighting a plethora of power plants: Blatant Environmental Racism: The State of Maryland Approved a 5th Power Plant in a Majority Black Community, Residents Sue – Atlanta Black Star – May 16, 2016 Environmental … Continue reading

Rain Check Rebate Program at the Baden Fire Hall this Wednesday

There will be a presentation on the Prince George’s County Rain Check Rebate Program at the Baden Fire Hall this Wednesday March 19th 7:30pm, as part of the Greater Baden Aquasco Citizens Association’s, every other month, community meeting. The presentation … Continue reading