How can I find out who my state and congressional legislators are? Go to and search by name, your zip code (20613 is Brandywine, Baden, Cedarville, Danville, TB), or keywords. Then click search.When and where can I register to vote? The deadline is 25 days prior to any election. The printable registration form is at Maryland Board of Elections Registration.I won’t be home during the election, how can I vote with an absentee ballot? A REQUEST TO MAIL A ABSENTEE BALLOT CANNOT BE ACCEPTED BY THE ELECTION OFFICE LATER THAN (7) DAYS BEFORE AN ELECTION. Your voted ballot must be received in the Election Office NOT LATER THAN 8:00 p.m. on Election Day. Who are the candidates in Prince George’s County for the upcoming election? Who are the candidates in the Maryland state elections? Where can I get more information about the upcoming election? Where can I learn more about local issues? Who are our present elected representatives and where can I learn more about them? Where can I go to see election results? Where can I get more information about my elected officials and government? |