Connect with people locally:Brandywine-chat email list has been discontinued, but can be restarted on a different mailing list if people are interested. You can subscribe to our blog announcements via email by clicking the envelope icon on the right. Also, you can subscribe to our social networks (by clicking icons), but remember to set to get notifications on Facebook as messages are often lost on the long social network stream. Read our blog here.
The BrandywineMDFreecycle aka Aquasco to Oxon Hill Freecycle™ group is open to all who want to “recycle” that special something rather than throw it away, located in the southern Prince George’s County area (see form below). Whether it’s a chair, a fax machine, piano or an old door, feel free to post it. Or maybe you’re looking to acquire something yourself! Nonprofit groups are also welcome to participate! |
One main rule: everything posted must be free.Make sure to read the Etiquette & Rules file when you join for more information about how it works. |