February 10, 2025




Eagle Harbor


Explanation: The census data for Brandywine used to be just a small strip called the “Brandywine CDP” until the 2020 census when they changed the area of the CDP and added a CDP for Cedarville and Baden, which combined, covers most of the zip code area of 20613. You can get statistics from here also: Wikipedia .

The latest data from the Census Bureau was estimated:

Area land: 21.04 sq mi
Area water: 0.08 sq mi
Elevation: 220 ft
Population: 10,550 (up from 6,719 in 2010)
Median age (years) 39 (down from 40+ in 2010)
Ave. household size 3.09 (up from 2.85 in 2010)
Ave. family size 3.98 (up from 3.23 in 2010)
Total households 2,910
In labor force (population 16 years and over) 72.3%  (was 71.5% in 2010)
Median household income $148,529 (was $101,495 in 2010)


Area land: 9.0 sq mi
Area water: 0.11 sq mi
Elevation: 266 ft
Population: 639



This data is for the entire zip code area and was compiled from the Census Bureau’s Fact Finder for 2010.:

Area land (square meters): 47,826,479
Population: 919 (was 1,015 in 2000)
Median age (years) 46.6 (was 40.2 in 2000)
Ave. household size 2.66 (was 2.80 in 2000)
Ave. family size 3.11 (was 3.20 in 2000)
Total housing units 426 (was 435 in 2000)
In labor force (population 16 years and over) 431 62.5% (was 528  
66.8% in 2000)
Median household income $46,397 (was $61,354 in 1999)

Additional statistics can be found at these sites: 
Aquasco Census


Eagle Harbor

This data was compiled from the Census Bureau’s Fact Finder for 2024, Eagle Harbor shares Aquasco’s zip code:

Area land (square meters): .12 sq. mi.
Population: 63 (was 55 in 2000)
Median age (years) 47.8 (was 46.5 in 2000)
Ave. household size 2.86 (was 2.29 in 2000)
Ave. family size 3.38 (was 3.00 in 2000)
Total housing units 58 (was 56 in 2000)
In labor force (population 16 years and over) 14  32.6% (was
16  48.5% in 2000)
Median household income $29,038 (was $65,625 in 1999)

Additional statistics can be found at these sites: 
 – Town of Eagle Harbor

Click on these links if you’re looking in Brandywine, Aquasco, or Eagle Harbor for these: FAQscommunity servicesbusinessesorganizationslinks to sites nearby