The best place to find what’s to do in Brandywine now is on Prince George’s Entertainment search page for Brandywine which includes Wineries and Carriage Tours.
Below is a list of recreational and entertainment places in the area. If you’re looking for a concert in Brandywine or an entertainer for your next party, check out the Service-oriented Businesses page. If you’re looking for adult or family entertainment, such as theater, clubs, etc. in the Brandywine area, you can look in and enter the business or category and the zip code 20613.Our local movie theater in Brandywine is Xscape. Activities offered by our parks programs (most are for families and many are free).: Sundays, 10 AM-3 PM Sundays, 1-4 PM Sundays, 2 PM Tuesdays & Thursdays, 10 AM-12 Noon Surratt House Museum More links for events information.: |