The Fly Ash Special Exception hearing is coming on January 25 at 9:30 AM. It is full to capacity as currently allowed, but they want a special exception to increase the amount of fly ash they store at the facility next to the North Keys Park where the ball fields and playground is. Many people go there to walk for their health and in the summer we use the park for picnics. One of our residents says, “It is high time we eliminated this toxic industry from the Brandywine region.”
To facilitate more involvement from the community here is information and a link to Party of Record form and also a sample letter to the Zoning Hearing Examiner that can be edited to incorporate your specific concerns. Also please forward to anyone in the community and especially residents within “sight and sound” of the Fly Ash Dump and/or those who use the North Keys Park and its ball fields:
The Zoning Hearing Examiner scheduled an additional hearing date for the NRG special exception on Wednesday, January 25, 2017. The hearing will begin at 9:30 am. It would be great for local residents who are concerned about the fly ash landfill to attend.
Anyone who wants to become a party of record can also fill out the electronic form here. The case name is ZHE – NRG MD Ash Management LLC, and the case number is S.E. 4765.
It is important that the Hearing Examiner receive electronic requests or letters from anyone who wants to be a party of record before January 25, 2017. Otherwise, the individuals may not be included.
The more people who can attend the hearing, the better. The time allowed to reply to the case has expired.
Here’s a sample letter. Please include your specific concerns – if you can’t attend, this will become a matter of record and be considered in the case. You can also email
Maurene Epps McNeil, Esq.
Zoning Hearing Examiner
Prince George’s County, Maryland
14741 Governor Oden Bowie Dr.
2nd Floor
Upper Marlboro, MD 20772
Subject: Special Exception S.E. 4765, NRG Ash Management, LLC
Dear Ms. McNeil:
Please include me as a party of record in the above referenced Special Exception proceeding. I am very concerned about NRG’s proposal to continue operating the Brandywine fly ash landfill for an additional ten years because of the landfill’s negative impacts on the community.
Thank you for the opportunity to participate in the proceedings, and for considering the harm that the continued operation of the fly ash landfill will have on the Brandywine community.
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