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Christmas with Marla Music Together with Marla (birth – 5 years) Tuesday, December 18 11:00 – 11:45 a.m. Upper Marlboro Public Library |
Wednesday, December 19, 1:40-2:40 PM There will be a Holiday Puppet Show at Baden Community Center for Ages 5-12. The Blue Sky Puppet Theater presents FREE performances of Pigs at The Pole. For more information, call the community center.: 301-888-1500; TTY 301-203-6030.Commentary from your web host: I have taken children who are now adults to see the Blue Sky Puppet Theater performances. According to the company, they put on 1200 performances per year. And yet when I looked for their web site, I couldn’t find any. I did find over 50 references, but only short descriptions on announcements about their performances. The only photos I found were on the site of an area teacher, check it out here. I also found one on the Annapolis First Night web site, but again it was just a small photo of the puppets and a description of the show, even though the page said it was “bios” of the performers. I guess puppeteers just get no respect. Well, for what it’s worth, I think the Blue Sky Puppet Theater deserves more appreciation and I think they’re great! Well, after my ranting, I got a response from the director and they DO have a web site. It’s here: Blue Sky Puppet Theater |
The Baden Aquasco Public Library will be hosting a free Music Together with Marla presentation/demo class. (music and movement activities for children 0-5 with caregiver). Wednesday, Dec. 5, 10:30-11:15a.m. |
Greater Baden-Aquasco Citizens Association (GBACA) is sponsoring an INTERNET CLASS FOR BEGINNERS on Mon., Nov. 12, 7:30 – 9:00 Pm at Immanuel Methodist, 17400 Aquasco Rd, BadenCLASS INCLUDES: How the Internet Works Internet Services Email – Services & Types, Set-Up, Preferences, Filtering & Sorting, Highlighting & Deleting, Emoticons & Acronyms, Netiquette & Net Vocabulary, Spam Filtering Software & Services, Viruses, Chain Letters & Urban Legends, Email Lists World Wide Web – Browsers, Preferences, Surfing Brandywine, Maryland, Child-Safety, Searching the Internet, Online Shopping, Security, Interesting Sites to See, Bad Sites, Privacy Questions and Answers Conducted by Joyce Dowling of Dowling Web Consulting & Training 301-782-9922 |
Greater Baden-Aquasco Citizens Association (GBACA) is hosting a FLEA MARKET on Nov. 17th at St. Mary’s Church Hall in Aquasco from 8 AM to 4 PM. Indoor/Outdoor. Rain or Shine! Featuring: bicycles, toys, furniture, farm and garden implements, jewelry, glassware, antiques and collectibles, tools, Mac computers and software, records, tapes, garden plants, books, sundry household items, windows, and more. Refreshments and live music! For more information, call Janette Hoisington 301-579-2494.Sales of the new 2002 calendars have begun, featuring all 13 area churches. $10. The 2001 calendars with of area history, including photographs to the 1900’s are now on sale for only $2. Contact Cliff Jenkins at 301-888-2202.All proceeds go to the STOP THE RUBBLE DUMP cause. |
Thanks to Roslyn Turner for sending us this report.:There was a meeting Wed. night, Oct. 24 about the Federal Law Inforcement Center. They had the Director the facility, Mr. Bob Smith ; the consultant firm (STV) who are doing the environmental and traffic studies. John Timms form Estepp’s office was there with Major Wright from District 5. There was a full room. Letters were sent out to members of the community. They talked about:1) The building of an enclosed firing range. It will be one story above ground but practically sound proof.2) They will have a driving range [course].3) The federal government (pushed by Steny Hoyer and others) have allotted 30 million dollars to do the feasibility studies and build the facility.4) The community in close proximity to the center was concerned about Radon (found by the Navy before) and traffic impact.5) The community was also concerned about how many cars would be coming there on a daily basis. It was indicated aproximately 300 per day.6) The traffic for construction of the facility will be using an entrance off Frank Tippett Road. However the main entrance would be on Dangerfield Road & Woodyard. They are talking about changes to the intersection but have not indicated what changes.7) The hours of operation will be 7 A.M. to 4 P.M. daily once in operation.
8) They talking about asking the County Council (once they get the go ahead to construct the facility) to speed up the approval of the extended interchange on Branch Avenue (which is already in the works). 9) I [Rosylyn Turner] asked if they were going to be training international law enforcement personnel at the center. They indicated not at this time. 10) There will also be some protected areas on the perimeter. 11) The county still will own part of the facility to use as an training facility for the fire department. 12) They are willing to give community a tour of the center or its grounds. They say they want to work as neighbors to the surrounding community. 13) Most of the community attendees were not opposed but wondered why they did not know anything until now. They indicated there were notifications in the local papers. 14) Those most affected live in Cheltenham South & Woods. However, depending on the traffic from that location and its entrance, it may affect traffic on 301 and Frank Tippett. |
A Study Circle is starting for Brandywine. ~15 volunteers are needed to meet Tues. 6-8 PM at Gwynn Park High School from Oct. 16 – Nov. 13 to work on local issues and concerns. For more information about this county program, see . If you can attend or would like more information, please call Roslyn Turner at 301-868-0437 or email at . |
REMEMBRANCE: Our neighbor Jerry Moran, 39, of Croom, was a victim of the Pentagon attack. Claudia Raskin remembers Jerry as a warm, giving, tremedous guy with a terrific sense of humor. He was active coaching a variety of sports for the young people in our area. His kids went to Baden Elementary School and Jerry was active in the Baden-Aquasco Little League. He was well known in the community and will be greatly missed. |
A local shopkeeper experienced a hate attack on Sept. 11. There are many ways in which we can respond to these tragedies in a positive way. See the page I set up for responding to this national tragedy which contains more information about the attack and links to other sites. |
R and D Cross, Inc. were honored by the Prince George’s County Board of Trade 2 weeks ago as one of the finalists in the Small Business of the Year program. They sell feed, seed, fertilizer, lawn products, hay, straw, hunter’s supplies, tack, rope, hardware, Outback and Key clothing, Wolverine and Rocky boots,and more, and they also have a service shop. |
Greater Baden-Aquasco Citizens Association (GBACA) is meeting on Oct. 24 at 7:30 PM at the Baden Fire Station. They’re also having the following fundraiser.:HOLIDAY ARTS AND CRAFT FAIR on Nov. 3rd and 4th at St. Michael’s Catholic Church in Baden/Brandywine. |
Tues., Sept. 11, 2001 Our hearts go out to the victims and their families during this national tragedy. Many events and meetings have been cancelled, so you may wish to check before going to any tonight. Even the Democratic National Convention has cancelled their fall meeting September 13 through September 15 in Miami, so you may want to check on future events also. Now is the time for us to be with our family, friends, and neighbors to support each other.If you would like to and are able to give blood, check this link for emergency blood donation locations. Unfortunately, we have none in southern Prince George’s County. The closest is Waldorf, but maybe you can find one near your work. Reactions to these events and checking in with your neighbors are just some of the things that can be discussed on the Brandywine-chat email list. Announcements and news, such as what is on this page, will be posted once-only weekly on Brandywine-news. Click this link to join our email lists. |
CASA needs volunteers to help abused and neglected children! Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) of Prince George’s County is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing a voice to abused and neglected children. CASA, Prince George’s County recruits, trains and supervises volunteers to advocate for these children in court. It is the CASA volunteer’s goal to ensure safety and permanency for children. If you would like more information about CASA, Prince George’s County, Inc. please contact Ann Marie Binsner at 301-780-3801. |
(Thanks to Kent Hibben for this announcement.) Community Meeting Alert! Thursday, September 13th 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Fort Foote Elementary School (across from CVS on Oxon Hill Road) ————————————————————————– Join Your Neighbors to Stop the Assault on Our Community! the 13th’s agenda topics include ————————————————————————– * Oxon Hill Road – An improved 2 lane residential roadway not a 4 lane Highway!* Kirby Farm/Market Property -Keep Zoning Residential not Commercial!* National Harbor – What is it? Make the Developer, County and State tell us what it is!* Metro Rail on Woodrow Wilson Bridge – Provide Metro Rail on the replacement project now, Not HOV!The Time to get Involved is NOW!!!!! You can make a Difference! |
Community Support Systems operates food pantries which distribute food weekly to seniors and low-to-moderate-income individuals and families at two locations: St. Paul’s Episcopal Church Hall, 13500 Baden-Westwood Rd., in Baden, from 9:30 to 11 a.m. Wednesdays and Fridays; and Faith United Methodist Church, 5769 Livingston Rd., in Accokeek, from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Fridays. Donations of produce are appreciated! Contact CSS at 301-372-1491 for more information. |
Leslie Parks, of Wilmer’s Park* will be having a meeting on the Presentation of Stock Options on July 28 at 3 PM. For further information call 301-888-1600. *Note: The Wilmer’s Park web site is new and may not yet be viewable with your browser. |
South County Coalition met July 18 and discussed many issues, including starting a community center in Clinton, the drop in number of police officers in the district (District V is the largest area in the county with fewer than 90 officers total), and the rise in single parent families who probably don’t have the resources to become actively involved in the community. SCC is also planning to host a training sponsored by MNCPPC on Zoning. Further information will be posted on their new email list – see their web site link above to join it. |
Greater Baden-Aquasco Citizens Association (GBACA) had a picnic, Sun., Aug. 26 to celebrate their success in fighting the rubble dump, but THE FIGHT IS PROBABLY NOT OVER! There’s a possibility that the county councel’s decision will be taken to court. Whether or not the rubble dump fight is over, GBACA will not cease to exist and continues to need your support! To help raise funds for this work, they have two upcoming events (besides the raffles and T-shirt sales and other things about which you can find information at their site here): SPAGHETTI DINNER on Sept. 15, 4-8 PM at St. Michaels Church at the corner of Brandywine Road and Horsehead Road – Adults $7, 6-12 year olds $4, carryout $7, 5 and under FREE. Please invite your whole family, neighbors, friends, and co-workers. A country-style dinner with all the fixin’s including scrumptious desserts. During the dinner there will be a 50/50 raffle and silent auction. Contact Joanne Flynn at 301-888-1281. HOLIDAY ARTS AND CRAFT FAIR on Nov. 3rd and 4th at St. Michael’s Catholic Church in Baden/Brandywine. Artists and Crafters are needed! Booth space is $50 for the weekend and i ncludes one table and two chairs, as needed. The event wil be housed in a pleasant well lighted church hall.Application process: Please submit two photographs or slides along with a written description (two or three lines) of your work, and contact information. Contact information should include day and evening phone numbers, email address and fax number. Applications are due Sept. 15, 2001. To assist in assuring a diversity of products and avoid duplication, your pictures must accurately reflect the items that you plan to sell. In addition, your pictures may be used in the advertisement about the event. Accepted artisans will be notified by September 24, 2001.Submit your pictures and descriptions to: Search Committee GBACA Arts and Crafts Fair 16201 Baden Naylor Road Brandywine MD 20613For questions, call Janette Hoisington 301-579-2494 |
The South County Coaltion (SCC) met May 9. Their guest speakers were again Steven Proctor and others representing Aggregate Mining Co. to present the road impact study and how they are meeting local residents concerns about the sand and gravel mine proposed for Accokeek and McKendree Roads. They announced that they would be giving tours of the sand and gravel mine on North Keys Rd. from 10 to 12, Sat., May 12, meeting at the Asbury Church, and possibly again on Sat., May 19. SCC also announced a meeting Wed., May 16 at 7 PM at Stephen Decatur held by School Board Rep. Bland concerning school busses; according to her literature, there will be a power point presentation, video, and Q&A. SCC’s next meeting will be Wed., June 13, 7:30 PM at the Clinton Fire Department. |
Wed. night, May 23, three tracts from the South County Economic Development Association’s summit last month met again to continue their discussions on important issues that effect southern Prince George’s County. The three tracts are Transportation, Business Development, and Education. The Transportation tract is working on developing a Yellow Metro line which will go over the Wilson Bridge from Alexandria and extend to AAFB and down 210. The Business Development tract is going to be putting together a comprehensive report about the National Harbor.The Education tract is the one that may most directly impact on our area; they are working on Parent Involvement throughout both districts in the south county. The Education tract participants determined that there are many areas where the schools need improvement, but the most important issues that they feel capable to do something about all center around parents’ participation in their children’s education, which also includes looking at school governance. A bill which failed to pass this year would have changed our school governance to reduce local participation by creating larger districts and more at-large members. The theory is that changing the structure would mean more centralized control which would translate to less bickering and more effectiveness of the Board. This plan is likely to become an issue again next legislative session. Monthly meetings are planned to continue to work on these goals. |
Mattaponi Basin Citizens Association will meet Thurs., May 17, 7 PM at the Furgang Hall of the Cheltenham United Methodist Church (just north of the intersection of US Route 301 and Frank Teppett Road) to discuss what action to take if the new law to restrict rubble dump proposals is challenged in court as unconstitutional. |
The South County Coaltion (SCC) will be meeting Wed., March 14, 7:30 PM at the Clinton Fire Department. Their guest speaker this month will be Roy Washington, the representative of Wayne Curry whose job it is to reconcile the police force issues with the public. All interested people are welcome. |
Maryland General Assembly is in session until April 9. There are several bills proposed that will effect residents here. You can check daily updates on Bills that were sponsored by the Prince George’s Delegation or check on any bill. |
There are some efforts to limit growth and rubble in our area. Governor Glendening’s Smart Growth Plan may help stop sprawl coming into rural areas like Brandywine, Baden, and Aquasco. You can read about his plan here: . There’s also a bill proposed that will limit rubble dumps, see the Maryland General Assembly bill status (you can go to Sponsors, select “Prince George’s delegation” and then do a find/search page with your browser option for “rubble” to find those particular bills on the page). |
At the South County Coaltion (SCC) meeting on Feb. 14, we heard about a new sand and gravel mine in Brandywine. The developers say that it won’t become a rubble dump, but for 20 yrs. they’ll have 280 trucks back and forth per day from 6 AM to 5 PM, running on Accokeek Rd. to Rt. 5. Aggregate Industies already owns the land on Accokeek and McKendree Rds, but they need county approval with special exception zoning. They are looking for input from local residents as to what they’d like done with the land when they’re through with it. Suggestions were a ball park, archery, senior citizen area, etc. There is already a mine operating south of this area on Gardner, which is owned by EL Gardiner. Gardiner created a park for the North Keys area following a mining operation there. Do you travel Accokeek Rd. to Rt. 5? Do you think Accokeek Rd. can handle this additional traffic? Filled trucks would weigh about 65,000 lbs. and there’d be an average of one full truck leaving the mine every two minutes. If you have concerns about this, the South County Coaltion would like to hear from you. They have an email list where you can discuss this and other southern Prince George’s County issues, just go to their web site to sign up. Updates about this issue and other happenings in Brandywine will also be listed on the Brandywine-news list, which is just one message per week. |
South County Coalition is meeting Wed. night, Feb. 14 at the Clinton Fire Station, 2nd floor, 7:30 PM to discuss an agregate mining site along the 301 corridor. Guest speaker: Steve Proctor. In March, they are scheduled to have Roy Washington, the County liason to improve relations between the police and the community. |