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Historical Calendars for 2001, which contain photographs from this area dating 1898 to 1960, are being sold to benefit the Greater Baden-Aquasco Citizens Association. They make great gifts! These stores offer them for sale: IGA – Aquasco, Little Store, Aquasco Hardware, Cedarville Deli, Lena’s, R & D Cross, Moore’s Country Store, and Denny’s BBQ. |
RUBBLE DUMP UPDATE: Greater Baden-Aquasco Citizens Association reports that the hearings for this round have ended with a great turn-out and expert witnesses. A decision will not be made until the three other rubble dumps being considered in this county have finished their hearings (date unknown). T-shirts and sweatshirts to support GBACA and protest the rubble dump are still for sale. |
The election is almost here! If you are a resident of Prince George’s County and receive mail, you should have received a sample ballot. Have you decided for whom you’ll vote for Board of Education in District 9? There have been a lot of articles about candidates Bland, Sanders, and Carrington (including here, see our News Archives and Elections page), but you may have been wondering who that write-in candidate, Charles T. McClam is. I certainly have and here is what I found on the internet.McClam was a candidate in the School Board election in 1998 when he lived in Ft. Washington. The Washington Post wrote, “Education: BA, sociology, Voorhees College; MPA, Troy State University; master’s, contract management, Florida”Occupation/Employer: Assistant director, information management and security staff, Department of Justice.”Elected Offices and Civic Activities: A newcomer seeking political office.”Why should voters elect you? ” ‘As a parent, I will be an active voice for the concerns and academic well-being of our children. I am very concerned about the state of our school system and the public’s confidence in its ability to deliver quality education. I believe that my many years of broad management experience in government dealing with issues of national consequences makes me uniquely qualified to represent District 8 on the many policy and organizational issues affecting the county’s ability to provide for and deliver quality education. During the next four years, I will work to ensure that our children receive an effective, quality education.'”What do you want voters to know about you? ” ‘I love children and firmly believe that a well-balanced educational experience is key to them becoming successful and responsible adults. I will work to that end.’ This year, the Washington Post wrote on March 1: “…write-in candidate Charles T. McClam, a director of information systems for the Internal Revenue Service. ” ‘I’m concerned about the lack of effective leadership in terms of accountability and strategic planning,’ said McClam, 42, of Accokeek. ‘We have a high tax base but poor MSPAP [Maryland School Performance Assessment Program test] scores. . . . When you looked at the range of candidates and the stuff they’d done over the last couple of years, you come to the conclusion that the status quo hasn’t done anything that’s going to move us forward.’ McClam says his experience handling administrative needs ofan expansive organization, the IRS, would help him beeffective on the board. ” ‘What’s paramount to dealing with some of the pressingissues of the county school system is to sit down with theleadership and boards and figure out what the strategic planneeds to be,’ he said. ‘You can throw money after issues,unless a comprehensive plan allows you to plot a rational course.’ ” His phone number is unlisted, but for his address, go to the Prince George’s County Board of Elections page. |
UPCOMING CIVIC ASSOCIATION MEETINGS – Find out what’s going on in your area by attending and supporting your area civic assoications.:The Greater Baden-Aquasco Civic Association will meet November 8th at the Baden Volunteer Fire Department at 7:30 p.m.The Southern Prince George’s County Coalition of Homeowners and Civic Associations, Inc. aka South County Coalition (SCC) will meet Thursday, Nov. 9 at 7:30 in the Gwynn Park High School Multi-media room (library). Should you have any questions, please contact Roslyn Turner at 301-868-0437. |
Not far from Brandywine, the Upper Marlboro Library has “A Trip To The Crypt” Thursday, October 26 at 6:30 pm. Meet at the library (14730 Main Street) & take a stroll to a real burial plot at Darnall’s Chance. It’ll be spooktacular! For information call 301-627-9330. |
Tues. night, Oct. 24, there was a candidate debate at the American Legion sponsored by the new organization, Southern Prince George’s County Coalition of Homeowners and Civic Associations, Inc. aka South County Coalition (SCC). SCC’s goal is to create more opportunities to promote such issues as better schools, land use, business growth, etc.The first candidate debate was for the seat in the House of Representatives. Incumbant, Steny Hoyer, was busy working, voting on Appropriations, so he was represented by Bruce Marsh. His opponent, Tim Hutchins, who presently serves in the Maryland House of Delegates, was enthusiastic about presenting his views and answer questions from the local residents attending that night. Defense and law enforcement were big issues for both of them and they both supported increases in those areas. When asked about helping with lighting problems in Clinton, they both answered that the federal government can be supportive of local officials and could possibly help locate grants to provide additional funds, but it was primarily a local issue. Actually the answers to questions on most of the issues were similar for both candidates.Hutchins stated that he is pro-business (his votes in favor of business were 89%-90% whereas Hoyer’s were only ~10%); Marsh’s rebuttal in behalf of Hoyer was that Hoyer supports bankrupsy reform and opening up trade with China. Another difference was in their views on school vouchers – Hutchins is in favor of them but only to support those at the poverty level, whereas Hoyer feels vouchers undermine support of public schools so doesn’t favor them at all. One final difference that was noted was their views on abortion – Hutchins is opposed to partial-birth abortion, whereas Hoyer voted against a bill that would support a ban, though he has worked on a bill for late-term abortion restriction which allows late-term abortion in special cases to protect the health of the mother.There was a representative available who spoke in behalf of Paul Rapaport who is running against Senator Sarbanes who was also not in attendance. She stated the the primary importance of Candidate Rapaport is to stress honesty and integrity and that he modeled that as police chief.The primary debate for the night was the candidates for School Board. Incumbant, Marilyn Bland was not in attendance and when asked where she was, we were told that she said she had other commitments. Charles McClam expected to be there, but also was not in attendance. The candidates available for debate were Minerva Sanders and Kim Carrington. Both reflected their interest in running was due to their desire to bring honesty and integrity to the position and restore fiscal responsibility.Sanders retired from working in the school system and her three sons all graduated from the county schools, her youngest in 1996. Carrington’s children are still attending school and she admitted being relatively new to the responsibilities of serving on the board since she had just applied a few weeks ago. Sanders stressed the need for more funds and to study the reallocation of present funds to improve the safe and supportive environment and provide teachers with the ability to provide a quality education. Carrington stressed the importance of parent involvement – getting to know the school, teachers, and each other to start through social functions for whole families and then to maximize the efficiency of their volunteer time to accomplish more to help the schools in less time so more time can be spent with direct attention to the children.
The candidates responded to many questions from the residents in attendance. Problems that were addressed included a lack of books for all students, appropriate heat, air conditioning, basic necessities such as toilet paper and soap, the present cost of per student (stated by Sanders to be $6500 per student), the difference between the science and technology school in the northern area versus our area, how athletics is handled, special education resources, and appropriate use of board funds. The final question was why would they like to serve and if they see this as a stepping stone to some larger political ambition. They both assured us that this is not a stepping stone to a larger political ambition. Carrington stated that she has made a commitment to children starting with her own, which is expressed in her making that her career rather than working outside of the home, and that she’s not happy with the options for school board; she’d follow the rules and work within the budget. Sanders said she’d model the behavior she raised her sons to have and she’d look at state and federal laws and how they can have an adverse effect on our children’s education; since 1986 she’s been active and committed to all of the children in the Prince George’s County public school system. The last item for the evening was the first two questions on the ballot (A and B), which are to reverse the restriction of term limits on the county executive and the county council. Literature was distributed to make it clear that to keep term limits, we need to vote “no” on those two questions. A mock debate was attempted, but apparently those in attendance were all on the same side of this issue. |
The Brandywine Lions Club’s 25th Annual Craft Fair was the big event the weekend of Sept. 30 & Oct. 1. People from all over the state and out-of-state attended. This is a very popular event, which is held each year at the Curtis Farm on Rt. 301 & Cedarville Rd. in Brandywine. |
The Mattaponi Basin Citizens Association held an informative public meeting with Cross Road Trails, Inc. on Wed., Sept. 27 to discuss the new rubble dump proposal. Cross Road Trail, Inc. gave a presentation with charts, drawings, maps, and hand-outs. Their purpose was to explain how their proposed rubble dump at Cross Road Trail will not be a problem to the local community and can even be a benefit since they’ll be giving back $100,000 per year to the community through their foundation. Citizens noted that $100,000 was miniscule compared with their profit. Delegate Vallario figured that with their statement that the average gate price being $800/25 tons and serving one truck per <10 mins. starting at 7 AM, that would add up to hundreds of thousands per week, millions per year, and hundreds of millions of dollars over the course of the proposed 30 yrs.The State was well represented. Besides Delegate Vallario, Senator Miller and Delegate Proctor were also in attendance. Delegate Vallario further said, “There’s something wrong with people from New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania bringing their [rubble] here.” Senator Miller stated, “[This rubble dump] does nothing to enhance the community.” Delegate Proctor pointed out that the Washington Post used to call us “ugly sister” and projects like this will bring back that term. He further stated, “The state is behind you; stay on the County Council.”There were about 100 local citizens in attendance who asked many questions, lasting well over an hour. Rev. Aist, president of the MBCA, facilitated the session with much consideration for both sides. Concerns included trucks coming in on roads not constructed for such traffic, trucks lining up on the streets resulting in blocked traffic, a “rotten-egg” smell from deteriorating wall board, water run-off, possible leaking liners, the loss of tax revenue after 30 years, the inability to use the land for building in the distant future when zoning may change, and lower value for property. Cross Road Trail, Inc.’s many staff and lawyers answered all questions with detailed explanations, though not always answering the exact question posed. They presented details about the new liner that is necessary due to a new liner law which goes into effect next July. Though they admitted the liner doesn’t have a history to prove how long it will last, they stated that it could last “forever.” They stated that they’d publish a directive to trucks to come in by way of Rt. 301 only. They also stated that they’d have “several” pumps to remove rain water from the dump, though upon further questioning “several” was defined as “2-4.” The concern about smell was met with the explanation about the slowing of deterioration from rubble not sitting in water and the fact that the dump will be covered with a “cap” of multiple layers to keep rainwater out and odors in after it is filled. They invited further questions at 1-888-388-2226. |
The Southern Maryland Country Western Dance Association (SMCWDA) holds a monthly dance at the Brandywine Volunteer Fire Department on the fourth Saturday of each month from 7:30 p.m. to midnight, so come out to dance on Sat., Sept. 23!Also did you know that we have a like in Brandywine? Eagle Lake. It’s a private one right on Brandywine Road, but there is water skiing there! See the Eagle Lake Skiers site. |
The rubble dump problems in Brandywine continue. Besides the Greater Baden-Aquasco Citizens Association fight against the proposed dump across from the Schmidt Environmental Education Center, the Mattaponi Basin Citizens Association is fighting a second one proposed for Cross Road Trails. Both the existing rubble dump and the proposed ones are for Brandywine Enterprises, Inc. A meeting is scheduled for Sept. 27, 7 PM at Mattaponi Elementary School. Rev. Clark Aist, president of the Mattaponi Basin Citizens Association can be reached at 301-372-6307.Is there a rubble dump near you? Arial photos are available at – a plug in, which is available on the site, is needed; for a view of downtown Brandywine check this link: |
GREATER BADEN-AQUASCO CITIZENS ASSOCIATION seeks citizens to testify regarding the proposed Brandywine Lapin Rubble Fill on Mon., July 31, 9 AM to 4 PM, Sept. 13, 1-9 PM and Sept. 15, 9 AM to 4 PM at the County Administration Bldg., 1st Floor Hearing Room, Upper Marlboro. Information: 301-579-6655 (Betty Garner) or 301-888-2228 (Carl Winterwerp). GBACA’s next meeting will be Aug. 23, 7:30 PM at the Baden Volunteer Fire Department. |
Greater Baden-Aquasco Citizens Association met at the Baden Firehouse on Wed., July 17 at 7:30 PM to discuss the opposition of the Rubble Dump planned on Brandywine Rd. near Saint Thomas Methodist Church and across from the Schmidt Environmental Education Center.Mr. Clagette, a member of the Association, said that it’s like a five round prize fight, but you can lose the first four and still win the fifth. The first round, the Planning Board Hearing, has already been won by the Brandywine Enterprises, Inc., the applicants for the dump. The second round, the Zoning Hearing, is coming up on July 26 & 31 at 1:00 PM. All are encouraged to attend for a show of support and those who would like to speak should visit the GBACA site. Financial support was also requested. Though they’ve received over $27,000 solely through citizen donations, they are seeking more and would like some ideas and volunteers to help coordinate fundraisers.Besides a full house of citizens, Delegate Proctor (State District 27A), who is also a Brandywine resident, and a representative from Council Member Jim Estepp (County District 9)’s office attended. Both said they would be presenting something that could help keep this from happening in the future.Brandywine, Baden, and Aquasco residents are concerned about air, water, and noise pollution, which could effect health and the overall nature of this small, rural town.A reporter, K. Harris, from The Gazette was also present. He says he will be starting a Clinton Community section. Look for his story.Go to our Announcement & Discussion Bulletin Board [link edited for new bulletin board] to see and post information and questions about the Rubble Dump issue. More news and conversations about Brandywine are taking place on our email lists. |
Greater Baden-Aquasco Citizens Association meets at the Baden Fire Department Wed., July 19 at 7:30 PM. Citizen support is essental to protect our environment! |
As many as 500 people met at Baden Volunteer Fire Department on May 24, 2000 to discuss the rubble dump. State Senator Mike Miller and County Council Member Jim Estepp were in attendance. The next hearing scheduled for June 21, 2000 has been postponed to JULY 26, 2000. |