Governor Moore on 4/19/23 County Executive Angela Alsobrooks attended a meeting at Brandywine North Keys Civic Association, one topic that came up that the State controls is trash on the numbered roads in Brandywine MD. i.e., RT 5, 301, 381 and 382. The end of 382 as you cross 381 in the 19500 block are tires that been there since the road been paved two years ago, can they be removed? 382 and 381 have been repaved but the 200 ft section at 382 as you cross 381 south needs to be restriped.
Can you contact CSX about rough rail track crossing at Cedarville RD and Ashbox RD.? I will be forwarding two emails I had one with a CSX manager and that I forwarded to The County Executive.
Thank you, County Executive Alsobrooks for attending the Brandywine North Keys Civic Association meeting with your County Directors, Administrators and Police Officials.
My name is Sean LaGrand,
I am the lead for Baden/ Aquasco and an administrator for Brandywine Maryland Facebook page.
I spoke about CSX Railroad crossing. This information might assist you, it is my email with a CSX Property Manager and his contact info.
Sean, the track is still a regulated main line track for CSX and cannot be removed.
Well thank you but can the Cedarville Road and Ashbox Rd., crossing be examined and repaired, the railway crossing is rough with potholes?
Can give me the contact info for CSX track manager for Maryland region?
Sean, I am not at liberty to disclose their contact information. The supervisor is aware of the crossing issues. I will make contact with him again today and see if he can provide an update to pass along to you.
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Incident Report – # 10768433
03/30/2023 15:40:00
Incident Summary
Rough Crossings :: Since the coal trains are not delivering coal to the coal plant in Aquasco Maryland on the Pope’s Creak railline, can all the tracks that cross roadways in Upper Marlboro, Brandywine, Aquasco and Charles County that would not effect the trains running to Charles County concrete plant and businesses be removed?
At 1541 hours, the Type an Subtype was changed from Interruption of Service/Blocked Crossing to Property Concerns/General. (EW)
Walker E Brazell | CSX Transportation, Inc.
Real Estate Analyist- Property Management
States of SC, NC, VA, DC, MD, DE, NJ
500 Water Street J-180 12th Floor. Jacksonville, FL 32202
Off. 904-279-4843 | Mobile. 912-674-4485 | Fax. 904-245-4092
There were two other concerns that I wanted to bring to The Assistant Director of Environment, Rodney Taylor attention.
One is the Girl Scouts property in Upper Marlboro MD. close to Duley Farms.
Ask Girl Scouts to Conserve 633 Acres Of Mature Forest By Selling to Parks Not Developers!
Ravens on the farm. Been here for about a month, they roost on the Girl Scouts property behind us. It’s a shame they want to sell it for a development.
#girlscoutsofamerica #sierraclub
Second the residents in Southern part of the County does not have trash service, recycling or food compost recycling, can a third Convenient Center be studied to serve the Southern part of the County off of 381 in Baden or Aquasco areas?
Thanks to County Executive and the Governor in two days after discussing the issue in person with Angela Alsobrooks at Brandywine North Keys Civic Association meeting, the issues with tracks were finally resolved. The community have been emailing representatives from CSX for years, I know I have emailed them at least four times.