It’s #NationalParkWeek and we wanted to use the celebration’s daily themes to highlight some of the Trail’s amazing sites and partners (including parks)! Today’s theme: #Connection. Roads connect people to various sites and locations. During the #Warof1812, Fenno Road, located near present-day Upper Marlboro, was a sunken colonial route that the British soldiers took while marching from Benedict, Maryland to Washington, DC. The well-shaded road provided relief for the men who were fatigued from the harsh, humid Maryland summer. Wearing woolen uniforms and carrying arms and ammunition, each soldier also carried numerous pounds of equipment and provisions. British Lt. George Robert Gleig recounted the experience, “The road…we travelled…was remarkably good… Running through the heart of a thick forest, it was…sheltered from the rays of the sun…which, in a climate like this, is of no slight importance.” Travelers along the #StarSpangledTrail can see the scenic Fenno Road today, just as it was described by Gleig! The road runs by Merkle Wildlife Sanctuary, a 1,900-acre park that is the wintering ground for several thousand Canada geese, the largest concentration on the western shore of the Chesapeake Bay. The sanctuary also offers habitats for a variety of birds and mammals. Fishing, hiking, and birding are just a few activities to do at the park. Learn more: [image: The modern Fenno Road (top) in August and the original road-cut on Fenno Road (bottom) help travelers to envision the scene of the British soldiers marching to Washington, DC. credit: NPS] #FindYourTrail

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