This property is all wooded, over 100 acres both sides of Aquasco Rd., just south of Aquasco at the county line. This is a plea to help save the rural tier:
Conservation in the works – please help!
Notice to the Public
Doves Perch Estates, V-13002
We are hereby requesting help from the community to help us keep the hearing signs up. This property was approved for 20 lots as shown below and we are trying to vacate this subdivision (remove the lots from existence) and enter into an agreement with the State of Maryland to put this property into a preservation easement. We posted the site on Monday June 17th and the signs didn’t stay up for more than 48 hours, we have re-posted new signs now and need to have these signs stay up for 30 days till our hearing date of 7/18/13, to meet the conditions of the State settlement.
Please feel free to give Stephenie from RDA Engineers a call with questions @ 301-952-8200 or 301-699-CALL.