Upcoming Community Meetings


Brandywine/TB Southern Region Neighborhood Coalition: Rescheduled
Dear Neighbor,

You’re invited to our community action meeting

I am pleased to invite you to participate in a community meeting to assess our environmental public health system.

Join Us!
Your presence is requested at an upcoming discussion regarding our the first yearly summit of the Brandywine | TB Southern Region Neighborhood Coalition at 6 p.m. on Thursday, January 28 Feb. 11, 2016 (tentative).

Why are we conducting the meeting?
The purpose of this meeting is to learn about being engaged in your neighborhood taking the first steps in joining peers, thought leaders, and subject matter experts as together we discuss the issues of the Health, and the Environmental Welfare of the Brandywine Community.

We are hosting the University of Maryland environmental justice, public health, revitalization, health equity, climate justice, equitable development regarding the Brandywine Health Assessment and Environmental Impacts.

Your legislatures will be in attendance to listen and answer questions that have been submitted by the community. Your attendance and participation is greatly appreciated as we seek to strengthen the Community.

The purpose of the meeting is to discuss:
Strategies to Improve our Neighborhoods,
Making Neighborhoods Safe & Environmentally Sound,
Review the project’s purpose and need for improvements
Obtain additional public input on the projects, including its Purpose and Needs
A formal session with questions and answers will be held from 8:00 pm – 9pm. This session will be preceded information to become more engaged civically and local environmental decision-making.  from 6:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m.,

Please submit your questions for the Legislative panel by January 20, 2016 for the community deliberations with the Government Listening Panel and an action plan for the 2016 Legislative Agenda.

Spread the Word!
Your enthusiasm and contribution to this important issue will be greatly appreciated! Your participation is important and will help identify community issues and values. Please tell your friends and neighbors about this important meeting and encourage them to attend. Thank you for your continued interest. We hope to see you at the meeting.

The neighborhood coalition is designed to create a forum for residents to foster a sense of community in the area where they live; to communicate more effectively the needs of our neighborhood to city officials; and to encourage residents to work together to keep our neighborhood an attractive and safe place to live.

The neighborhood coalition includes everyone who lives within the area of Brandywine and any resident or property owner would be eligible to participate and have a voice in addressing issues that directly affect them. Neighbors who seek to preserve the strengths of our neighborhood, build a sense of community, and address any problems or issues that may arise.  Everyone is welcome and encouraged to participate.

We hope you will come to meet your neighbors and to learn how, by working together, we can ensure that Brandywine is a neighborhood that is clean, safe, friendly, and a place where all of us want to live. Please mark January 28, 2016 on your calendar and plan to attend.

Issues of concern that the community
has contacted us about are as follows.
2 newly approved Gas Power Plants all within a 2.90-mile radius. This will make the third power plant.
We are the home of an 80-acre Brandywine DRMO Super Fund site, and are on the NPL (National Priorities List), Brandywine DRMO is considered one of the worst hazardous waste sites identified by the EPA.
10 Special Exception Approved Surface Aggregate Mining Operations, to include wash plant(s).
Lagoon Sludge Dump
Fly Ash Dump (20 year renewal application has been submitted)
The Diesel trip generation allowed by M-NCPPC equals 560 total daily truck trips allowance for aggregate surface mining.
a. Approved and operating of 560 diesel trips equals 3,900 truck trips a day. This does not include the diesel truck trips for the Lagoon Sludge Dump, and Fly Ash Dump up for renewal. Soon there will be the diesel trucks construction for two major developments.

b. Traffic experiences and severe delays in the US 301 corridor due to high volumes and inadequate capacities. Projected population and employment growth in Southern Maryland is expected to exacerbate the problem in that M-NCPPC adequate transportation facilities found that all of the critical intersections operate unacceptably under total traffic in either one or both peak hours. CR-61-2011 does not resolve Section 24-124 of the Subdivision Regulations (the section that governs findings of adequate transportation facilities) is intended to ensure that needed transportation facilities occur concurrently with development or within a reasonable time thereafter. The Brandywine community thereafter has been twenty years plus that we do not have adequate transportation facilities, with the usage of the Brandywine Road Club.

Your enthusiasm and contribution to this important issue will be greatly appreciated! We look forward to having you join with other community partners in discussions to take a closer look at actions being taken on behalf of our community.

Please provide your questions to us by January 20, 2016 to be presented to the legislative panel to btbcoalition@gmail.com

Finally, thank you for your attention and response, and we look forward to seeing you at our event.

We hope to see you there!


BTB Coalition

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