Dear Neighbor,
We are writing to ask for your help. We have launched a legal challenge to stop the construction of a third power plant in the immediate Brandywine area. Both the Maryland Public Service Commission (PSC) and our own County Council have pushed these pollution sources forward without regard to public health and have undermined community efforts to participate in the decision-°©?making process. If the Keys and Mattawoman power plants are built we will have five major fossil fuel plants within 13 miles of Brandywine. (See Map below.) These two new plants would be located right in Brandywine!
Enough Bad Air: According to U.S. EPA, the ozone in Prince George’s County already exceeds air quality standards designed to protect our health. Elevated levels of ozone and other pollutants—even for a few hour—can lead to asthma attacks in children, and endanger people with chronic respiratory or cardiovascular disease. The very old and the very young are at greatest risk. Breathing polluted air can lead to health problems for healthy individuals too.
Power plants boost ozone levels: Coal and gas—fired power plants are major emitters of the nitrogen oxides (NOx), a toxic pollutant that reacts in the atmosphere with hydrocarbons (also emitted by power plants) to form ozone.
Not Needed: Despite the threats to our air and our health, and questions about the need for more fossil fuel plants and their contributions to the climate crisis, both the County and the PSC, have made their deals with developers and are pushing ahead. Make no mistake, if we do not act, these obsolete polluters will be with us for the next 30+ years, despite the surge in renewable energy. These power plants are a bad investment for all of our futures
There are additional reasons why our legal action is critical:
The energy companies, Public Service Commission and Prince George’s County Government have effectively shut down public participation. County officials from the outset promoted the plants for their tax revenues with little regard to the objections of Brandywine—area residents, those most affected by the project. As a result residents in the Brandywine area can expect more traffic, more pollution, lower property values, and a frontal attack on the quality of our lives, in essence Brandywine is a “sacrifice zone” for an obsolete source of energy. Senator President Mike Miller severely criticized the PSC and company for their woefully inadequate notification and public involvement processes.
Traffic Congestion: During construction, hundreds of employees and lines of big trucks will travel to the Mattawoman and Keys Plants along Brandywine Road—already congested during peak periods -°©? especially if two plants are built at the same time. Stop and go truck traffic will spew maximum amounts of highly toxic diesel exhaust into the air. The World Health Organization designates diesel emissions as a cause of human cancer.
Children: Apparently neither County officials nor the Public Service Commission have considered how heavy construction-°©?related traffic along Brandywine and North Keys Roads will affect the health and safety of children who live in and near Brandywine, go to Brandywine Elementary School or play on the North Keys baseball fields.
Our legal appeal: For these reasons we are challenging the Public Service Commission’s approval of the Mattawoman Plant in the Circuit Court for Baltimore City. This legal appeal may be our only opportunity to stop a power plant being located in the heart of Brandywine. Parties to our legal action include many individuals and organizations including Patuxent Riverkeeper, Greater Baden Aquasco Citizens Association and Mattawoman Watershed Society.
”If the people lead the leaders will follow.” We ask you to join the effort with your tax—deductible donation. Mounting a legal challenge against major energy companies and the Public Service Commission is expensive. Please make whatever contribution you can.
To donate:
- Please make your check out to Clean Air Prince George’s
- Mail your check to Clean Air Prince George’s, P.O. Box 616, Cheltenham Md. 20623
- Like us on Facebook at:
- Stop Additional Brandywine, MD Power Plants
- For more info, call Joanne at 301-502-3261 email
- Together we can make a positive difference!