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Revitalization and Preservation Study & Early Family Historic District
An announcement was posted to the county site on Aug. 5, 2011: PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY EXECUTIVE RUSHERN L. BAKER, III APPROVES NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES NOMINATIONS. The fifth of these five nominations reads: Early Family Historic District The Early Family Historic District in Brandywine includes four late-19th and early-20th century single-family dwellings and a large commercial building (c. 1872) associated with several generations of the Early family, whose members were instrumental in settling and developing this crossroads village after the Civil War. More about the history of Brandywine is here.
The Brandywine Revitalization and Preservation Study hopes to make Brandywine into a walkable bikeable community. It was once walkable and bikeable, because there wasn’t so much traffic, especially truck traffic, as we have today.
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