Delegate Kevin Harris 27A Highlight’s It’s been a busy month here in Annapolis. I had my first bill hearing with the Maryland Department of Transportation and presented before the Environment and Transportation Committee on behalf of the Charles County Delegation. There are only 13 days left in this legislative session. Then I’ll be headed back to my district office to connect with constituents in the community. Women’s History Month Womenâs History month is in full swing and in honor of it, I wanted to share some interesting facts about one of Marylandâs most powerful historical figuresâHarriet Tubman. Born Araminta Ross (1822-1913), Harriet Tubmanâs statue stands proudly in the Maryland State House in commemoration of her brave contributions to the Underground Railroad. Between 1850 and 1860 she made at least thirteen trips into slaveholding territory to guide as many as seventy enslaved people to freedom. She repeatedly risked her life for those around her, so this month, we honor her. Legislative Update On March 14th, I presented HB944- Charles County – Motorized Minibikes – Regulation and Enforcement before the Environment and Transportation Committee on behalf of the Charles County Delegation. This bill enables Charles County Sheriff’s Office to regulate off-the-road motorcycles and all-terrain vehicles, that may include impoundment, and conditions for release from impoundment of vehicles operated in violation of Maryland law. This bill did not move out of it’s committee before crossover. Last month I introduced three bills: HB1258 Property Tax Credit for Disabled Veterans – EstablishedRequires the government of a county or city to give a tax break on a disabled veteran’s place of residence. The tax break will be based on the level of disability the veteran has. The veteran needs to provide two documents when applying for the tax break: a copy of the disabled veteranâs discharge certificate from active military, naval, or air service AND a certification of the disabled veteranâs disability from the U.S. department of veteran’s affairs on the form provided by the department. The law will start from July 1, 2023, and will apply to tax payments after that date. HB1269 Income Tax – Subtraction Modification – Public Safety VolunteersThis bill will increase the amount of money that public safety volunteers in Maryland can deduct from their income tax. The deduction will go up from $7,000 to $10,000 starting in 2024. This means these volunteers will pay less in income tax to the government. The Senate version of this bill, SB94 passed out of the Senate Chambers and is now being reviewed by the Ways and Means Committee in the House Chamber. On March 6th, I presented HB0809 State Procurement â Minority Business Enterprise Program â Extension and Reports before the Health and Government Operations Committee. This bill changes the date of when certain rules for the Minority Business Enterprise Program will end. Maryland’s Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) Program is a government initiative designed to help businesses owned by minorities, women, and disabled persons to access government contracts. The program provides technical assistance, training, and certification to these businesses, and sets specific goals for state agencies to include MBEs in their procurement process. The bill will initiate a study of the Minority Business Enterprise Program to evaluate the Programâs continued compliance with the requirements of the Supreme Court Croson decision and any subsequent federal or constitutional requirements. This bill advanced from the House Chamber to the Senate Budget and Taxation Committee. A recording of the hearing can be viewed here.Track My Legislation Appropriations Committee One Friday night we worked hard in the Appropriations Committee to prepare the 2024 Budget before being introduced to our peers on the House Floor. I’m proud to share that the Budget has passed both the House and Senate Chambers. Review the Budget Community Resources The Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration has launched Operation Clean Sweep Maryland, a continuous effort across the State to remove litter along Marylandâs roads.This new initiative will focus on removing litter from the State highways prior to mowing operations. Preliminary numbers show that in the last two weeks, the State Highway Administration has removed 7,281 bags of litter from State roadways Prince Georgeâs County. Citizens can help by reporting issues of litter and high grass on state roads by clicking here or by calling 410-545-0300.VITA Tax Prep volunteers will provide free tax preparation services to Charles County residents at Waldorf West Branch Library. Income restrictions apply and registration is required. Please call 301-645-1395 to schedule an appointment. What I’ve Been Up To In February, I had the honor of sharing the rich history of Charles County’s own, Bel Alton High School. This school holds a special place in the hearts of so many, not just for the education it provided but for the cultural and social heritage it has helped preserve.2023 Legislative District 27A, All rights reserved.Delegate Kevin Harris 27A Highlight’s It’s been a busy month here in Annapolis. I had my first bill hearing with the Maryland Department of Transportation and presented before the Environment and Transportation Committee on behalf of the Charles County Delegation. There are only 13 days left in this legislative session. Then I’ll be headed back to my district office to connect with constituents in the community. Women’s History Month Womenâs History month is in full swing and in honor of it, I wanted to share some interesting facts about one of Marylandâs most powerful historical figuresâHarriet Tubman. Born Araminta Ross (1822-1913), Harriet Tubmanâs statue stands proudly in the Maryland State House in commemoration of her brave contributions to the Underground Railroad. Between 1850 and 1860 she made at least thirteen trips into slaveholding territory to guide as many as seventy enslaved people to freedom. She repeatedly risked her life for those around her, so this month, we honor her. Legislative Update On March 14th, I presented HB944- Charles County – Motorized Minibikes – Regulation and Enforcement before the Environment and Transportation Committee on behalf of the Charles County Delegation. This bill enables Charles County Sheriff’s Office to regulate off-the-road motorcycles and all-terrain vehicles, that may include impoundment, and conditions for release from impoundment of vehicles operated in violation of Maryland law. This bill did not move out of it’s committee before crossover. Last month I introduced three bills: HB1258 Property Tax Credit for Disabled Veterans – EstablishedRequires the government of a county or city to give a tax break on a disabled veteran’s place of residence. The tax break will be based on the level of disability the veteran has. The veteran needs to provide two documents when applying for the tax break: a copy of the disabled veteranâs discharge certificate from active military, naval, or air service AND a certification of the disabled veteranâs disability from the U.S. department of veteran’s affairs on the form provided by the department. The law will start from July 1, 2023, and will apply to tax payments after that date. HB1269 Income Tax – Subtraction Modification – Public Safety VolunteersThis bill will increase the amount of money that public safety volunteers in Maryland can deduct from their income tax. The deduction will go up from $7,000 to $10,000 starting in 2024. This means these volunteers will pay less in income tax to the government. The Senate version of this bill, SB94 passed out of the Senate Chambers and is now being reviewed by the Ways and Means Committee in the House Chamber. On March 6th, I presented HB0809 State Procurement â Minority Business Enterprise Program â Extension and Reports before the Health and Government Operations Committee. This bill changes the date of when certain rules for the Minority Business Enterprise Program will end. Maryland’s Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) Program is a government initiative designed to help businesses owned by minorities, women, and disabled persons to access government contracts. The program provides technical assistance, training, and certification to these businesses, and sets specific goals for state agencies to include MBEs in their procurement process. The bill will initiate a study of the Minority Business Enterprise Program to evaluate the Programâs continued compliance with the requirements of the Supreme Court Croson decision and any subsequent federal or constitutional requirements. This bill advanced from the House Chamber to the Senate Budget and Taxation Committee. A recording of the hearing can be viewed here.Track My Legislation Appropriations Committee One Friday night we worked hard in the Appropriations Committee to prepare the 2024 Budget before being introduced to our peers on the House Floor. I’m proud to share that the Budget has passed both the House and Senate Chambers. Review the Budget Community Resources The Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration has launched Operation Clean Sweep Maryland, a continuous effort across the State to remove litter along Marylandâs roads.This new initiative will focus on removing litter from the State highways prior to mowing operations. Preliminary numbers show that in the last two weeks, the State Highway Administration has removed 7,281 bags of litter from State roadways Prince Georgeâs County. Citizens can help by reporting issues of litter and high grass on state roads by clicking here or by calling 410-545-0300.VITA Tax Prep volunteers will provide free tax preparation services to Charles County residents at Waldorf West Branch Library. Income restrictions apply and registration is required. Please call 301-645-1395 to schedule an appointment. What I’ve Been Up To In February, I had the honor of sharing the rich history of Charles County’s own, Bel Alton High School. This school holds a special place in the hearts of so many, not just for the education it provided but for the cultural and social heritage it has helped preserve.2023 Legislative District 27A, All rights reserved.