If you live in any of the service area communities that are listed below:Brandywine, Maryland @Brandywine, MD. @Baden, MD. @Cedarville, MD. @Aquasco, MD.@Eagle Harbor, MD. @Malcolm, MD. @Gallent Green Woods, MD. @Waldorf, MD.@Croom, MD. @Croom Acres, MD.Please follow and share the Facebook page with your friends and neighbors if you like.For anyone else who lives in the top-rated audience for Brandywine Maryland, Facebook page, which are: Brandywine, MD.Baden, MD.Waldorf, MD.@Saint Charles, MD.@Cheltenham, MD.The Town of Upper Marlboro Government@Upper Marlboro, MD. Aquasco, MD.@Clinton, MD.@Hughesville, MD.@Accokeek, MD.Please take a look and follow and share Brandywine, Maryland, Facebook page, if you like the content.Prince George’s County, MD.Charles County, MD. St. Mary’s County, MD.you are welcome to follow as well.Interesting fact, Malcolm, MD. is also called “Dogpatch”, I Reckon’ You’re From Dog-Patch/Malcolm/Aquasco/Brandywine, MD If.. by old timers and has a 5 way stop sign. The #brandywinemd zip code area 20613 encompasses parts of both counties and includes Cedarville, MD. and Baden, MD.Brandywine, MD. encompasses all that pertains to the southeast corner of Prince George’s County, extending slightly over into Charles County.Please message me if you would like to share an event, missing or lost pets, job listings or incidents, etc. I have lived in Baden, MD. which is in Brandywine, MD. for over 17 years and work in Charles County, MD. I have been appointed as the administrator for Brandywine, Maryland. Facebook Page for four months after taking over from the previous administrator who has moved out of the area. The previous administrator offered me the position after my 17 years of experience as the Founding Member and Lead for Baden, Maryland, Baden/Aquasco Nextdoor.com.Thank you everyone for allowing me to continue to help serve the community. Going forward, I would like to increase the content that is shared, that will be more beneficial to the local community and that can only happen if you help me. I will continue to post information that is relevant to #southernmaryland and Maryland. If you have a business or farm or Facebook Page, please send me an invite to follow your page, thank you.Here is an old story, I shared on Facebook about Dogpatch several years ago. Malcolm, Maryland is a small unincorporated community, essentially centered on a five-way intersection in Charles County, Maryland, about 7 miles (11 km) east of Waldorf. Horsehead Road, one of the five roads meeting here, was the route traveled by #JohnWilkesBooth to Dr. Samuel A. Mudd House https://www.facebook.com/drmuddhouse?mibextid=ZbWKwL
after Booth’s assassination of Abraham Lincoln. Malcolm, MD. is known locally by the deprecated name “Dogpatch.”
Today a had the honor of riding up to Big Cork Vineyards with Bob White, the co owner of Robin Hill Farm and Vineyards and Bob Cooksey to pick up some grapes. Bob White is Susun Watson Husband, Susan is the other half of Robin Hill Farm and Vineyards along with their family that now runs the business. Russell Watson was Susan father, the original owner of Robin Hill Farm and Vineyards that started out as a tobacco farm in 1955. Bob Cooksey was a friend and later a worker for Russell Watson. Mr. Cooksey had some stories to tell on the ride up. One story he told after I brought the 5 way stop as you proceed to Moreland’s Country Store & Produce. He said you mean Dogpatch, he said Dogpatch was name after a bar that used to be there, and it was a rough area back in the day. That led me to research the history of Dogpatch. The tiny rural crossroads got its nickname from a bar named “Dogpatch,” after the hometown of the cartoon character Li’l Abner. The bar is long gone, but the name stuck. The commercial center of Malcolm now consists of the Birdland Bar, a Sunoco station and a large brick building with another tavern, liquor store and Tippett’sThe things you learn from the older generation is priceless but once they are gone you lose a little part of history. If you have something to share about the community please do so thanks.Edited 24 SepLaura & Joel MayerLaura & Joel Mayer, Gallant GreenInteresting read. I had no idea that the area was so impoverished and a high drug traffic area. Makes me angry.25 SepSharon White Sharon White, Baden/AquascoJohn DiSandro John DiSandro John DiSandro Wilmer’s Park is where he and others used to perform.25 SepVirginia Lindsay Virginia Lindsay, Eagle HarborI remember as a child my mother would have to go through there sometimes and there would be a dozen people just hanging out at that intersection and my mom saying it isn’t safe anymore, and they were there to buy drugs. It definitely has improved over the last 30 years.25 SepLEWIS JACKSON LEWIS JACKSON, Croom RoadThanks that’s good to know I always thought it was farther down passed the railroad.25 SepCarole Rawlings Carole Rawlings, CheltenhamDoes anyone remember hearing of Momma Duckett who ran the bar, or of someone cutting the bar in half with a chain saw? That would have been a long time ago.25 SepDanny Cattertom Danny Cattertom, Baden/AquascoCarole Rawlings I remember that. I think that put downtown dogpatch on the map!25 SepJoyce Lloyd Joyce Lloyd, Cheltenham
Please take a look and follow Brandywine Maryland Facebook Page, if you like the content. Anyone else who lives in @Upper Marlboro, MD. Prince George’s County and Charles County, you are welcome to follow as well.
Interesting fact, Malcolm, MD is also called “Dogpatch” by old timers and has a 5 way stop sign.
The Brandywine zip code area 20613 encompasses parts of both counties and includes Cedarville and Baden.
Brandywine, MD encompasses all that pertains to the southeast corner of Prince George’s County, extending slightly over into Charles County.
Today a had the honor of riding up to Big Cork Vinyards with Bob White the co owner of Robin Hill Farm and Vinyards and Bob Cooksey to pickup some grapes. Bob White is Susun Watson Husband, Susan is the other half of Robin Hill Farm and Vineyards along with their family that now runs the business. Russell Watson was Susan father, the original owner of Robin Hill Farm that started out as an tobacco farm in 1955. Bob Cooksey was a friend and later a worker for Russell Watson. Mr. Cooksey had some stories to tell on the ride up. One story he told after I brought the 5 way stop as you proceed to Moreland Country Store. He said you mean Dogpatch, he said Dogpatch was name after a bar that use to be there and it was a rough area back in the day. That led me to research the history of Dogpatch. The things you learn from the older generation is priceless but once they are gone you lose a little part of history. If you have something to share about the community please do so thanks. Edited 24 Sep Laura & Joel Mayer Laura & Joel Mayer, Gallant Green Interesting read. I had no idea that the area was so impoverished and a high drug traffic area. Makes me angry. 25 Sep Sharon White Sharon White, Baden/Aquasco John DiSandro John DiSandro John DiSandro Wilmers Park is where he and others used to perform. 25 Sep Virginia Lindsay Virginia Lindsay, Eagle Harbor I remember as a child my mother would have to go through there sometimes and there would be a dozen people just hanging out at that intersection and my mom saying it isn’t safe anymore and they were there to buy drugs. It definitely has improved over the last 30 years. 25 Sep LEWIS JACKSON LEWIS JACKSON, Croom Road Thanks that’s good to know I always thought it was farther down passed the railroad. 25 Sep Carole Rawlings Carole Rawlings, Cheltenham Does anyone remember hearing of Momma Duckett who ran the bar, or of someone cutting the bar in half with a chain saw? That would have been a long time ago. 25 Sep Danny Cattertom Danny Cattertom, Baden/Aquasco Carole Rawlings I remember that. I think that put downtown dogpatch on the map! 25 Sep Joyce Lloyd Joyce Lloyd, Cheltenham https://www.hmdb.org/m.asp?m=183969
Please message me if you would like to share an event, missing or lost pets, job listings or incidents, etc. I have lived in Baden which is in Brandywine MD for over 17 years and work in Charles County MD. I have been appointed as the administrator for Brandywine Maryland Facebook Page for four months after taking over from the previous administrator who has moved out of the area. The previous administrator offered me the position after my 17 years of experience as the Founding Member and Lead for Baden /Aquasco Nextdoor.com.
Thank you everyone for allowing me to continue to help serve the community. Going forward, I would like to increase the content that is shared, that will be more beneficial to the local community and that can only happen if you help me. I will continue to post information that is relevant to Southern Maryland and Maryland. If you have a business or farm or Facebook Page, please send me an invite to follow your page, thank you.