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Greater Baden Aquasco Citizens Association sponsors Festive Fall Flea Market! Saturday, Nov. 1st, 2003 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM”Something for everyone!”Featuring: a variety of crafts, bicycles, toys, furniture, farm and garden implements, vintage clothing,jewelry and glassware, antiques and collectibles, records, tapes, cds, videos, electronics, cameras, computers and software, lamps, power tools, hand tools, vices, roof vents, shoe laths, fishing rods, books, sundry household items, windows, anything and everything! Great stuff and lots of it!See to Believe!PLUS: Refreshments: cold drinks, coffee, hot dogs, hamburgers, veggie burgers, country baked goods, and more! indoor/ outdoor Rain or Shine!Location: St. Mary’s Church Hall St. Mary’s Church Rd (Off Aquasco Rd./Rte381) Aquasco, MD Buy, Sell, Donate Spaces available: $15- indoor or out! Festive Country Atmosphere! Bargains and Finds! Come early for best selection Benefits STOP THE RUBBLE DUMP cause. Crafters Welcome. Outright donation of sellable items wanted. Drop off items at St.Mary’s Church Hall between 6 and 8 PM Friday Oct. 31st Call (301) 888-1281 for pickup and info. See you there! |
Volunteer Open House: Focus on Seniors, with guest speaker Jessica Talley, MSW, ESM Cares of Southern Maryland Regional Director, takes place at 12 noon Wednesday, November 5 at Community Support Systems’ office in the Chapel of the Incarnation, Brandywine & Missouri Avenues, Brandywine. Refreshments will be served. RSVP by 11/03 to 301-372-1491. |
CSS Country Fest in Cheltenham The First Ever CSS Country Fest will be held Saturday, October 11, 2003 at the Brandywine Lions Park. Events include Large Item Auction, Cow Chip bingo and Lawn Mower Races.Lions Park is just off Route 301 in Cheltenham, MD. Call 301-372-1491 for more information or to request Bingo Tickets which are $5.00 each.The CSS agency (Community Support Systems, Inc.) helps southern Prince George’s and northern Charles County citizens. CSS operates two food pantries and a seniors home. The Advocacy Program provides induvidualized services.The Country Fest will be held from 8:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. on Saturday, October 11, 2003 at the Lions Park, Cheltenham. All are invited!Co-sponsored by Brandywine Lions. |
Craft fair The Brandywine Lions Club will hold their 28th Annual Craft Fair and Festival from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Oct. 4-5.Admission costs $5 for adults, and free for children 12 years old and younger with an adult. The Lions Club is located on Route 301 at Cherrytree Crossing Road in Cheltenham.For more information, call Melvin Richards at 301-627-7575 or Roger Hamilton at 301-292-3238. |
Francis W. Winterwerp, Assistant Chief, Baden Volunteer Fire Department announces: “We are always looking for new and former members to perform our emergency functions. All emergency training such as the Emergency Medical Technician course and the Fire fighting courses are free. We are also looking for members to assist in our fund raising efforts which require no training.“Most of the residents in our community think that the personnel, responding on the emergency fire apparatus and ambulance, are career firefighters. This is not the case! Our Department is all Volunteer, nights, weekends and holidays. We are supplemented by career staffing during the hours of 7AM-5PM Weekdays.”As stated before we are always looking for VOLUNTEERS.”Their phone # is 301-888-1888, but for any and all emergencies call 911. |
Help Wanted! Volunteer/Community Service. Database Entry/Web Work for Prince George’s County Historical Society in Brandywine just one mile east of Gwynn Park High School. No experience required. Will train. Mid-late afternoon hours preferred. Flexible hours. Transportation arrangements possible. Reliable, interest in history, willingness to learn required. Call Joyce at 301-782-9922 or send email. |
Part-Time Volunteer Coordinator/Program Assistant: Local private, non-profit social service agency in Brandywine. 10-15 hrs/wk. Need excellent communication & organizational skills, computer literacy. Degree in human services or experience. Car necessary. Resumes: Fax – (301) 372-1569, Email – |
Booklets are still for sale left over from theHISTORIC TOUR