I wasn’t able to attend both Greater Baden Aquasco Community Association and Brandywine North Keys Civic Association meetings in there entirety, due to overlapping times.
In BNKCA meeting Community Officers Dixon and Diggs reported that a Mail Carrier was robbed several weeks ago by a B/M on foot in the area of Cherry Tree Crossing RD while in performance of her duties operating a mail truck, delivering mail. The suspect made off with undisclosed property and escaped on foot through the woods. K9 was unable to maintain a track. Report handled by Postal Police. No other crime reported for Brandywine area but the Marlton, Upper Marlboro area and Malcolm RD, Brandywine RD and Woodyard RD area in Clinton are troubled spots still.
Senator Michael Jackson was a guest speaker, he provided some highlights from the 90-Day General Assembly wrap up.
You may view the entire report below.
In the GBACA meeting Community Officers Palanc and Cooper advised no crime in the Baden, Aquasco area, but they talked about neighbors concerned about gun shots on private property. Officers advised it is allowed in rural areas of the County that are 1000 ft’ apart unless it done recklessly and projectiles goes over to someone’s else’s property without their permission. No hunting allowed on someone’s property without owners permission or hunting with firearms within 150 yards of another property where humans have structures. Private property owners are not allowed to operate a business where firearms are discharged in residential areas. FIrearms discharge that creates nuisance are not allowed.
Fred Tutman was a quest speaker, the Patuxent Riverkeeper. Fred Tutman advised that in P. G. County the Members that sit on the MNCPPC Planning Board do not have to live in P. G. County unlike other Board Members in other jurisdiction that do. This should be addressed with the Maryland Legislation in the Senate and House, General Assembly.
He advised the Patuxent River receive a D – grade due to water runoff and discharge from Plants in Northern Maryland.
There are a few spots left for the Patuxent Riverkeeper, Summer Camp.
2023 Youth Mentoring Camp Schedule
Patuxent Riverkeeper wants to mentor young River “keepers”.
Join a unique youth experience next to the Patuxent River celebrating nature and the Patuxent ecosystem through a multi-ethnic, multi-cultural week-long experience! Welcoming children from all walks from ages 10-16 years old. Our special focus is on drawing environmental knowledge and wisdom from many walks—including indigenous, Africa-American, and other less served and less empowered communities. Our daily theme is “mentoring in nature” and we have recruited a team of skilled adult mentors to work with our kids who will learn to fish, navigate with a compass, tie knots, foraging for native plants, explore nature crafts, archeology, geology, drumming, yoga, backpacking, birding, wildlife tracking, and much more. Each day a new adventure, and new things to learn about being competent and at home in nature as well as good stewards too.
Camps run from 9am until 4pm Monday through Friday with three 2023 sessions:
June: 26th-30th
July: 17th-21st
August: July 31st- August 4th
For more information, Email us at: info@paxriverkeeper.org
Prince George’s Police, District V advised National Night Out is August 5th at the Baden Firehouse starting 5pm. also would like residents to join Nextdoor.com also you can join Brandywine Maryland Facebook Page and view the links in the above post. To view the links also go to the Brandywine Maryland Facebook Page.