Date: Saturday April 26th, 2014
Time: 9:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. (Rain or Shine)
Place: 19070 Poplar Ridge Road, Brandywine, MD
at the barn – Just north on Rt 382 from the intersection of Rt 381
Be green and sustainable.
Collect your own pure rainwater for your garden and landscape
Conserve a vital natural resource
Protect our bay and ocean from runoff pollution
Save MONEY by reducing water bills
Recycled plastic “food grade” barrels
Dimensions: 39” tall, 23” diameter; 55+ gallon capacity
Brass 3/4” spigot for garden hose attachment; Side brass overflow w/cap
4” tight mesh screen to prevent mosquitoes from accessing water
Colors: Black or Terra Cotta
*$100 for single barrel, or $180 for two (which qualifies for $50 rebate!)
REBATE INFORMATION: Prince Georges County is currently offering a $50.00
rebate for 100 gallon water collection on rain barrels. You are required to purchase
two (2) of our rain barrels to qualify for the rebate.
Rebate Application:
The Black Swamp Creep Land Trust is organized as a 501(c)(3) non-profit
organization with $25.00 of your purchase tax deductible
You Must Reserve your Rain Barrels in advance by April 24th at: under the EVENTS tab for BlackSwampCreek
For information on the rain barrel contact 919 602-6316
Black Swamp Creek Rain Barrel Fundraiser
Proceeds Benefit The Black Swamp Creek Land Trust